Guardians Defender of Mathematica


Quiz Planet

Guardians Defender of Mathematica

Action, Adventure, Escape, Shooting

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Build and test primary maths skills with different weekly challenges.

Learn and practise:

Times tables
Addition and subtraction
Multiplication and division
Fractions and decimals
Ratio and proportion
Shapes and measurement
Algebra and statistics
Place value
We’ve made some exciting changes to the game:

Play a new set of challenge questions each week and see how many weeks you can complete.
Gain achievements for fighting battles, defeating enemies and unlocking armour.
Face the golden dragon for the chance to win golden weapons for your character.
To enable these new features we unfortunately needed to wipe your previous character and progress data. We really hope you’ll enjoy playing the updated game and fighting the battle to save Mathematica again.

A wizard and an Elf posing Mathematica needs your help
Choose a character, then add, subtract, divide and multiply your way to victory in this fun maths game.

Challenge yourself across 10 different KS2 maths topics from the Mysterious Mountains of Multiplication to the Deadly Sea of Shapes. If you’re feeling really brave, test your maths abilities in the Battle for Mathematica.

Are you ready to take on the Times Table trials? Put your times table knowledge to the test by answering questions against the clock.

Battle courageously and you’ll be rewarded with many great riches to apply to your character.



2 Total

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